Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stop and Smell the Flowers...

This cake is very near and dear to my heart because it was made for one of the best friends a girl could ever ask for. Noel (the beautiful gal in the photo) is getting married in October and I have the honor of making her wedding cake, too! The Gerbera daisy is her theme flower, her colors are red, orange, coral, and yellow, and she is going to be an absolutely gorgeous bride! We threw Noel a surprise bridal shower on August 8th and we all had such a good time. Since one of her colors is red, the cake was red velvet and I iced it with cream cheese frosting...if you only knew how much cream cheese and butter went into it! I love you to pieces, Noel!!!

How Much is that Doggie in the Window?

This was a fun little (well, not so little) cake I did for my friend Pam's daughter, Kayla's, 6th birthday party. Her theme was puppies, and instead of a typical cake, she wanted a Milk Bone! It turned out pretty doggone (pun intended) cute... I hadn't done a dog-themed cake up to now, but obviously dog bones are in my repertoire now!